Tuesday, February 2, 2010

OGS Awards - scholarships and grants

I. New Awards from OGS

The Office of Graduate Studies is pleased to announce a new suite of awards designed to help graduate students complete their degree programs, and to reward faculty members who take special initiative to help their students succeed. For these new awards, departments are invited to submit a single nomination for each award; nominations from individuals will not be considered.

Detailed descriptions and nomination instructions for each award are posted: http://www.unm.edu/~grad/indices/index_funding.html

One award is for faculty:

Faculty Mentor Award
Purpose Recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated extraordinary accomplishment in mentoring graduate students
Amount $1,500
Number of awards 4
Nomination deadline March 15, 2010

Two awards are for program initiatives:
Accelerate Grant
Purpose Supports departments’ initiative in developing programs to help students complete their degrees
Amount $3,000
Number of awards 2
Nomination deadline April 1, 2010
Award period Academic year 2010-2011

Graduate Recruitment Grants
Purpose Supports programs’ efforts to attract and retain graduate students (this program began in 2008)
Amount up to $3,000
Number of awards 10
Nomination deadline March 15, 2010
Award period Academic year 2010-2011

Three awards are for graduate students:

Student Mentor Award
Purpose Recognizes graduate students who have demonstrated extraordinary accomplishment in mentoring fellow students
Amount $1,000
Number of awards 4
Nomination deadline March 15, 2010

Future Faculty Grant
Purpose Reimburses expenses associated with professional development activities beyond those required by the degree program
Amount $2,000
Number of awards 2
Nomination deadline April 1, 2010
Award period Academic year 2010-2011

Graduate Research Supplement
Purpose Reimburses expenses associated with final research or creative work required to complete the degree, other than travel
Amount $2,000
Number of awards 10
Nomination deadline April 1, 2010
Award period Academic year 2010-2011

II. Continuing Awards
All of the following awards provide financial assistance for graduate students. Information about each of the following awards is available on the OGS Web site:

Research Project and Travel (RPT) Grants
Over $50,000 in small grants of no more than $1000 is distributed each year to support graduate students’ research and professional development.

New Mexico Scholars (3%) Awards
Over $800,000 in tuition scholarships for New Mexico resident graduate students is distributed through the schools and colleges each year.

Higher Education Department (HED) Fellowships
Forty-four fellowships are funded by the NM Higher Education Department

Regents’ Fellowships
Approximately 20 fellowships of $2000 are distributed each year.

American Association of University Women Scholarship
This Scholarship is awarded to outstanding female graduate students from Santa Fe County.

Dean’s Dissertation Award
A stipend of $8000 is awarded to a student in the final stage of completing the terminal degree.

Dean’s Dissertation Finalist Awards
Up to ten awards of $1000 are made to students who are finalists for the Dean’s Dissertation Award.

Tom L. Popejoy Dissertation Prize
This $1000 award recognizes an outstanding dissertation each year.

III. Continuing Awards, Initiated in 2009
The following awards were created in AY 2009-2010 and will continue:

Provost’s Assistantships
Over $600,000 in new $14,000 stipend-only assistantships have been awarded. These are multiple year awards that will be re-allocated by OGS as they become vacant.

President’s Assistantships
Seven new full tuition-and-stipend assistantships have been awarded. These are multiple year awards that will be re-allocated by OGS as they become vacant.

Assistantship Supplements
In order to attract outstanding new students, six $5000 assistantship stipend supplements have been awarded. These are multiple year awards that will be re-allocated by OGS as they become vacant.

IV. OGS Strategic Initiatives
OGS provides limited funding assistance to a variety of initiatives that help graduate students to obtain their degrees. These may change from year to year. A current sample includes:
  •  Teaching Assistants’ Resource Center (TARC) and International Teaching Assistants’ Resource Center (ITARC)
  • Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color (PNMGC)
  • Graduate Resource Center at CAPS
  • Supplementary support for graduate students in grant-funded programs
  • “Yellow Ribbon” program for graduate student veterans

1 comment:

  1. Hello friends,

    Scholarships and grants are awarded to study abroad students. It provides essential scholarship and financial-aid resources to students preparing for all types of careers. Thanks a lot...
